
  • May-July 2021, Co-supervision of Nathan Doumèche’s master thesis on Développement de Taylor signé et applications à l’apprentissage statistique with Gérard Biau and Pierre Marion.
  • June-July 2020, Co-supervision of Linus Bleistein’s master thesis on SiGANtures: Generating Times Series Using Wasserstein-Generative Adversarial Nets and the Signature Transform with Gérard Biau and Claire Boyer.


As lecturer

  • Large-Scale Machine Learning, spring 2023: one introductory session and one session on Natural Language Processing) at Mines ParisTech (master level)
  • Data Science, spring 2022: a course introducing data science to 1st year engineering students at Mines ParisTech (bachelor level)
  • Return to graduate studies diploma for exiles, spring 2019-2022 : refresher course on mathematics for continuing education at Sorbonne Université (high school level)

As teaching assistant

  • Linear models, autumn 2020-2021 : exercise classes introducing linear models to 2nd year ISUP (Institut de Statistique de l’Université de Paris) students (master level)
  • Inferential Statistics, spring 2020-2021: exercices classes introducing first notions of statistics (tests, parametric estimation…) to 1st year ISUP (Institut de Statistique de l’Université de Paris) students (master level)
  • Mathematical Statistics, autumn 2019-2020 : computer labs in R to introduce basic notions of statistics to master students in applied mathematics at Sorbonne Université (master level)